Aibel – Hugin A

Yggdrasil Hugin A Systemoversikt Hugin A Rind Fulla & Lille-Frigg Langfjellet Kraftstasjon Hugin A 00-09 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-69 70-79 80-89 90-99 00-09 Reserved 10-19 10-19 Drilling, well and subsea related systems 10 Drilling 11 Drilling process 12 Drilling well control 13 Riser and well topside 14 Drilling control and monitoring 15 Drilling drain 18 […]

Aibel – Systembeskrivelser

Yggdrasil Systembeskrivelser Hugin B 00-09 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-69 70-79 80-89 90-99 00-09 Reserved 10-19 10-19 Drilling, well and subsea related systems 10 Drilling 11 Drilling process 12 Drilling well control 13 Riser and well topside 14 Drilling control and monitoring 15 Drilling drain 18 Well and riser subsea 19 Subsea installation – maintenance and […]

Aibel – System 23 – Gas Compression

Munin System 23 Gasskompresjon System 23 Gasskompresjon Systemtilknytning System 11 – Oljeproduksjon System 13 – NGL System 24 – Gasstørking System 25 – Gassbehandling System 27 – Gasseksport og måling System 31 – Fakkelsystem System 32 – Glykolregenerering System 42 – Importgass System 43 – Kjemikalieinjeksjon System 45 – Kjølesystem System 81 – Åpen/lukket drenering […]

Aibel – Munin

Yggdrasil Munin Systemoversikt Munin Askja Sentral Krafla Munin 00-09 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-69 70-79 80-89 90-99 00-09 Reserved 10-19 10-19 Drilling, well and subsea related systems 10 Drilling 11 Drilling process 12 Drilling well control 13 Riser and well topside 14 Drilling control and monitoring 15 Drilling drain 18 Well and riser subsea 19 Subsea […]


Hugin B Hugin A Munin Hugin B Hugin A Munin Systembeskrivelser Driftsprosedyrer Sikkerhetsprosedyrer Training/CBT Informasjon Hjelp Systemoversikt Hugin A Hugin B Munin Hugin A 00-09 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-69 70-79 80-89 90-99 00-09 Reserved 10-19 10-19 Drilling, well and subsea related systems 10 Drilling 11 Drilling process 12 Drilling well control 13 Riser and well topside 14 […]

Aibel – Hugin B

Yggdrasil Hugin B Systembeskrivelser 00-09 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-69 70-79 80-89 90-99 00-09 Reserved 10-19 10-19 Drilling, well and subsea related systems 10 Drilling 11 Drilling process 12 Drilling well control 13 Riser and well topside 14 Drilling control and monitoring 15 Drilling drain 18 Well and riser subsea 19 Subsea installation – maintenance and […]

Aibel – WebPortal

 Systembeskrivelser          Drift- og vedlikeholdsprosedyrer          Sikkerhetsprosedyrer          Annen driftsdokumentasjon          Training/CBT          Informasjon          Hjelp KRAFLA SENTRAL ASKJA FULLA &LILLE-FRIGG LANGFJELLET Rind Munin Hugin A Hugin B KraftstasjonSAMNANGER Hugin A Hugin B Munin Systemoversikt Hugin A Rind Fulla & Lille-Frigg Langfjellet […]